Communication: Visual Metaphor

A visual metaphor can be seen in Bob, the antagonist in the Twin Peaks saga:


In surrealist visual artist David Lynch’s cult TV saga, Twin Peaks, the notoriously crazy-eyed “Bob” is an entity from “the Black Lodge”—a spiritual realm that embodies everything evil.  According to my interpretation, Bob being sent down from the Black Lodge to wreak havoc on the Palmers is a metaphor for the inexplicable and mysterious origin of evil, providing the audience with a visual representation of such ineffable acts (i.e., Leland Palmer’s incestuous murder of Laura Palmer).  To create a metaphor is, essentially, to draw a connection between two things—a parallel of sorts.  Usually an object or action that is difficult to describe (sometimes even ineffable, as with justifying incest & murder) is related to another object or action (a crazy spirit man) that is perhaps more familiar or comprehensible to the viewer, thus clarifying and further elucidating the former action or object, giving it more depth.  Obviously there is a lot more going on in Twin Peaks and Bob than just metaphor, but for the most part this Bob entity is a visual metaphor for the human potential to rape and kill one’s own daughter.

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